In Alaska, we fish with indicators and heavy weight (split shot) more than any other kind of fly fishing. I've used most kinds over the years and they all have advantages and disadvantages. I settled on yarn the last few years. But ... All the guides and pretty much most of the locals that use indicators have switched to thingamabobbers. I used them this fall for the first time and as goofy looking as they are, they seem the best choice to me. They cast better than most including yarn, require no maintainence, are easy to put on, stay in place, are easy to move, and are easy to remove and last for ever. The Kvichak River guides from two different lodges told me they put one on the leader and leave it there all season unless they have to change the leader. They said they wouldn't use anything else. I tried it and, well, they seem to work great. Your milage may vary.