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Thread: Do you know someone with CMS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region

    Default Do you know someone with CMS?

    Chronic Marine Syndrome (CMS). This condition affects men and women of all

    Symptoms to look for are:

    1. Pride in oneself and the organization they represent.

    2. A strong willingness to put in extra attention to detail to get the job

    3. May wear articles of Marine clothing; T-shirts, jackets, watches, well
    into their 80's.

    4. Will not hesitate to stand up or put their hand over their heart, or even
    salute when the National Anthem is played.

    5. Does not succumb easily to political correctness.

    6. Is sure of who they are.

    7. Is often either respected or hated by others, due to their abilities and

    8. May donate toys to needy kids at Christmas.

    9. Some have been known to wear their hair in a high and tight well into
    their 90's.

    10. Will look you in the eye when talking to you.

    11. Will give you a firm handshake.

    12. Knows what honor, courage and commitment mean.

    13. Can usually be found in some type of leadership position in whatever
    organization they work for.

    14. Will often regard their drill instructors with the same respect as their

    15 Often found in either law enforcement or various professions.

    16 Is extremely thorough at what they do.

    17 Does not wear a bunch of patches to adorn their uniform. Their title of
    Marine is often sufficient.

    18 Often arrives at work earlier than expected. If they wear a shirt and tie
    in their job, you might see the tie clip. between the third and fourth
    button centered.

    19 Had spent time training at one of two places; Parris Island or San Diego.

    20 May be able to field strip their rifle, up to 60 years after leaving
    active duty.

    21 Can recite the nomenclature of the M1, M14 or M16.

    22 May often have his pencils sharpened to a perfect precision point.

    23 Will not back down from a fight.

    Other symptoms include willingness to take on a challenge and maintaining a
    positive attitude in the face of adversity.

    Yes, CMS is real, and very hard to treat. The person with this condition
    often utters phrases such as Once a Marine always a Marine, or OooooRah.
    Some may even say Semper Fi on many occasions. It is best if you know
    someone with this condition to just leave them be. These people tend to be
    fiercely loyal to the Marine Corps.

    Folks, this condition, although not curable can be treated. Some successful
    treatments have included;

    1. Frequent visits to the base where they last served or looking at their
    Marine memorabilia

    2. Get them around other Marines to help them flourish. They need other
    Marines who have shared the same experiences

    3. Have them get memberships in organizations such as the Marine Corps
    League, The Marine Corps Association, Together We Served or have them join

    4. Some may require extra special attention such as buying items from
    grunt.com or watching movies about the Marine Corps, this is only natural
    and nothing to be afraid of.

    Whatever you do, remember that Chronic Marine Syndrome must be managed
    carefully. For example: In Michigan, a young man attempted to mug a Marine
    Korean War veteran who had advanced stages of chronic Marine Syndrome. It
    wasn't pretty! The mugger was severely beaten and required multiple

    Remember folks, Chronic Marine Syndrome is real, while there may not be a
    cure, we can live with it.

    Any questions, please see your local Marine. or go to 1-800-IMA-Marine for
    more information.

    And if you do know someone or perhaps that someone is you with CMS,
    pass this about and let it be known how proud I am of them / you!

    Merry Christmas Troops, Semper Fi

    " Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world.
    But the Marines don't have that problem " Ronald Reagan
    Last edited by Steve Molcsan; 12-24-2009 at 10:48 PM. Reason: " Some people spend a lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. Marines don't have that prob

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Littleton, Colorado
    Blog Entries


    My dad passed 15 years ago and we still have Marine memorabilia scattered around the house. I put my tie tack centered betweent the third and fourth and the tie is always in a full Windsor knot, just like Dad taught me. There were some things in our house that were just not done any way but the Marine way.

    You forgot one. "The Navy only exists to haul Marines to where they need to be." Dad used to love using that one on CPOs.

    Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Williamsburg Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by kbproctor View Post
    You forgot one. "The Navy only exists to haul Marines to where they need to be." Dad used to love using that one on CPOs.
    I was told once that the only reason why the Marines existed was so that sailors would have someone to dance with?????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    " Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But the Marines don't have that problem " ... Ronald Reagan

    My father was a veteran of Wold War II and a pround Marine till the day he passed.


  5. #5


    I have the pleasure of knowing several former Marines. I made the mistake of saying "ex-Marine" to one of them. He told me that "once a Marine always a Marine, there are no ex-Marines."

    I grew up as a Navy brat with about one hundred Marines stationed on the base. There certainly was a difference between a 20 year old in sailor and a 20 year old Marine.

    Nothing wrong with CMS in my book.

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