I did the same as Bobc. I went to the local Orvis store (no other choice in my small town). I wear arch supports. I was fitted into a pair of Simms with felt soles. But I wore my typical white sock and then a big thick wool sock for the fitting. Now when I wear them I think I just use the wool sock. Must of shrunk a little as someone said. Anywhooooo.....they fit perfect and are great to wear on the stream bank. My little stream doesn't need to be waded in. But then I volunteered to help Game & Fish hike up Black River and shock survey the Native Apache. I then bought a pair of hip sock foot hip waders. My Simms fit right over them and worked great IN the stream. I say get fitted personally or at least go one size up. Getting fit at the store is the best. The first shoe they put on me was a no go right off. Get to a store if you can. I can't afford Simms type stuff, but my wife was there and she bought them for me and insisted on doing it. I am so glad she did. I don't have experience with different boots but I am totally satisfied with the Simms.

Sorry for length of msg.
Just trying to help.
