General Electric is no better and no worse than any ...ANY of the other LARGE corporations....and I dont even like the place..

As far as being a "non thinker"...??? one posts it..I spent many a year watching "union" people monkey around...promoted by the union stewards and even by the union management. They had a choke hold on the plant I worked at ( 21,000 employees at the time) until Newtron Jack finally had enough and sent the jobs to OTHER STATES ( NOT countrys) that were "right to work states" and NC (Durham) was one of the BIG recipients of work from "my plant". It seems SOME people wanted JOBS instead of sitting on their rumps.

Are / Were unions the big problem...NO...they were PART of the problem....along with ignorant CEO's...corrupt CFO' infinitum.

If America made the absolute best products ever created...there wouldn't be companys such as Canon; Nikon; Leica and Mauser....let alone Holland and Holland and Hardy.