Quote Originally Posted by Cold View Post
Sometimes you'll have to nab the same bug 2-3-4 times just to finally get it.
Quite true. I have also seen where the virus embeds itself in the Master Boot Record of the drive and is still there after a complete wipe and re-install.

Fortunately, if you can identify the trojan or virus, there are many times, quick scripts available to remove them from trusted sources like Symantec, MacAfee, and Trend Micro. The scripts are generally free to download. Some of these require booting from a CD and running the script from that CD, but most can be run from the hard drive.

A good anti virus program will keep you safe IF you allow it to update. Many folks will install the software and then never set up the auto update feature. Or, they will set up auto update to run at 3 AM and never leave the computer on so it can run at the chosen time.