I agree that the whole PC pressure thing has gone way to far, but there is pressure from both sides to try and paint their opposition's opinions as some how subverting basic American ethos, tradition, morals . . . While at the same time suggesting that their position embraces these things. This is usually intermingled with exaggerated or untrue claims about whoever it is we disagree with.

For instance, I wouldn't call ALF "eco-terrorist". Primarily, because Animal rights and the environment are two distinct issues. But also because they are not terrorist in the truest since of the word. Their viewpoints may be extreme and their methods unfavorable, but as far as I know they didn't intentionally harm other humans. But by using a tag word that implies violence you can completely deligitimize the position behind these people's action. Its kind of like labeling someone as not "PC".

And Patriotism isn't out. Its just that some people can't recognize it in its truer forms. We are a nation founded on free speech, civil disobedience, and fundamental liberties that are supposed to be isolated from majoritarion pressure. Exercising or advocating these things is not anti-patriotic; however, turning a blind eye to the injustices that occur around us would be.