Dying marabu is no harder than dying any other feather. Just be careful how much heat is used. You can burn the fragile fibers if the water bath is too hot, or if you use too much heat with a hair dryer. Burned feathers will be brittle and break easily.

After the dye bath I blot them dry with paper towel and use a hair dryer on WARM setting to fluff up the feathers. If you just air dry them the feathers stick together in a clump, no problem just re-wet and blow dry. Clumped feathers are fine but are harder to tie with.

The best reference for dying is A.K. Bests book.... I highly recommend it. If you aren't interested in buying it at least try to find a copy through your local library, they can get a copy through the inter-library loan system even if they don't have it on the shelves.
