
Well, today was the last day for salmon fishing in Nova Scotia. My dad and I went out this am to try up at the falls in Salt Springs. We've tried a number of different spots, and up until today, it's been "fish were here yesterday", etc.

Today, however, we peered down into the pool, and sure enough, we spotted fish. Some huge salmon, waiting to ascend the falls, were resting up in the pool below them. One was a monster, and looked like a shark partrolling around. Was well over 20 lbs. The rest ranged from grilse, to the 10 lbs range.

I tied on a Hammlim Minnow which I had tied large. And within the first few casts had a fish rise up from the depths, take a good look, then settle back to the bottom. I figured it was now just a matter of time. Dad had a Cosseboom and went down the river a bit to see if there were any holding in some of the smaller pools. He thought he saw a small one, but wasn't sure.

Anyway, back to my matter of time. It is, I'm sure, just a matter of time. Quite a bit of time I'm afraid, as apart from that one raise, that was all the action I could muster out of the fish. They were holding deep, and although the rivers been going down, it was still a touch high and the current was quite fast. It was hard to get a deep presentation, so it was a matter of trying to convince them to come high. And, given that we had to stand on top of a rock face to fish the pool, well, we weren't exactly out of view.

Oh well, I eventually tried a number of different patterns, and did have one small parr or trout come up and take a swipe at a Royal Coachman streamer pattern, but that was it for the day. A few other fellows showed up who fished that area a lot over the past 20 years, and they had no luck either.

We got home around 1, had a big turkey lunch (Vanessa and I had bought a turkey for Thanksgiving, but then had our turkey dinner with my cousin and her family. So, we had a bird to cook up and brought it to my parents this weekend). Later, I carved the pumpkin with Genesta, then we went out and played in the leaves. Getting ready to go trick and treating.

What a great day.

- Jeff