WEnt to fairfield lake yesterday. Days & nights have been somewhat cooler. water was warm about 75deg. Left home at 1630hrs and drove 2hrs to git there so we could catch some big breams and bass. Fished all day untill just as the sun was goin down. Fished every kind of fly in every colour and size emaginable having only 2 bites the whole day, no hookups... Fish was hitting on top everywhere but couldnt see what they was taking. In the middle of the lake in my pontoon i seen nice sized bass, gar, and telopia swimming right between the floats bumping against my feet at times. No takes there either. Went all the way across the lake and fished the weed & cattail lines. Still nothing seemed to work.. As we were packing up to go home clouds of extreemely tiny bugs sort of a transparrent white colour came from nowhere and made a loud hum. Must have been millions of them so many ya couldnt breathe without choking on some. Any ideas what was goin on with the fish to not take a fly ? We never had this sort of thing hapen before & just caint seem to get any idea why the fish were behaving that way.