During my 27 years of military service, I always treasured administration clerks, who could cut through the red-tape, dot tie "i's" & cross the "t's" and get the paperwork through on the first try. I admired the supply personnel, that always got me, the parts and items I requested, with no delays or back-orders. I respected those who's leadership, inspired others who, other otherwise would have been discarded as not worthy of further training.

But I most of all those who step into the breach, when times get tough, and take on a "Mission Impossible", and keep a operation running!

Thank You, Ronn Tidd, you have a very difficult task to keep this site running, until Deanna returns to handle the daily operation of FAOL.

This site has grown over the past 12 years, and it is impossible for just one or two individuals, to keep a weekly magazine running. There are many members on this site, that have a lifetime of experience, and now have the time, to step up and help out, with whatever way they can to ease the load of work, of others.

I hereby am volunteering for duty!
