So here it is, that Sunday that I DO NOT look forward to. Each summer, my fishing partners (my two sons) and I always find a way to sneak away and get in one more "Bluegill Bash" before going back to school. The up side was Son #2 was staying at home while #1 went off to school in Boston.

But this summer, this Sunday is bittersweet. #2 goes to college - he moves into his dorm today. #1 leaves this weekend.

So Sunday afternoon in the middle of all the packing, all of the turmoil, I quietly slip 3 rods and 3 bags into the truck. I tell Mamma that the boys and I have an errand to run, and by now she knows what we're up to....we're going "bluegill bashing". She smiles and we share a knowing look....I'm loosing both my fishing partners this year.

We go out to our favorite pond and I quickly catch a few 10" and larger bluegill then I sit down and watch. I watch as my boys have become accomplished fly fishers and casters. I watch as they compare fish and poke each other as to whose fish is bigger....

I take a few pictures as the sun starts to go down over the hill when #1 looks around and sees me sitting on a rock just watching. He tells me "Dad, we'll be back at this pond before you realize it". He knows.

I'm a blessed man.

Son #1 (Senior BioChemistry major):

Son #2 (last fall with his largest LM on a fly) (Freshman Mechanical Engineering major):

Enjoy college boys, I'll miss you....