
I'm going through a 'textbook' crisis myself. Some authors call it a 'transition'.

To be honest, I think I've been dealing with depression for YEARS, but have stoicly been trying to deal with it on my own without medication. '
People are different and lots NEED medication, and for those people it really helps.

Talk to your doctor and let him/her know what's going on.

My social worker gave me a book to read which gives a number of examples and describes possible causes and effects of situations of men going through 'crises' in various stages and ages in life; it's not only at 40!
Book is called 'Seasons in a Man's life' by D.Levinson. Very good book and eye opener. doesn't give solutions but sheds light to what causes life crises.

If you need a sounding board, drop me a line via e-mail or phone; happy to talk.

I find, needing lots of space to work things out helps (that's what we men do....we're from 'Mars'!)

Above all, keep the faith and DO talk to your doctor.

You're definitely NOT alone.
