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Thread: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE - Ladyfisher - Aug 10, 2009

  1. #1
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    Bothell, WA, USA
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    Default WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE - Ladyfisher - Aug 10, 2009


    Dee talks about FAOL without JC, without Al C., and what her plans for the future are.
    Last edited by rtidd; 10-16-2009 at 09:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Des Moines, IA



    Thanks for your honesty as far as the future of FAOL is concerned. Whether you decide to sell or just plain give it up is your decision. Life will still go on. And heck who can blame anyone for wanting to spend more time fishing.

    " If a man is truly blessed, he returns home from fishing to the best catch of his life." Christopher Armour

  3. #3
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    Bothell, WA, USA
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    Default Upward and onward..

    Well, that was only one possibility.
    Keep in mind that *MY* purpose right now is to try and tame the beast that is FAOL.

    I am manually doing all web work at the moment to determine work flow patterns. As I do this I will be streamlining the production of the weekly articles. I have already enlisted some great help with the BB, so that Dee does not have to worry about that. By the way now is a good time to publicly thank REE and Denny for their behind the scenes help. Without them keeping track of the BB I would be wearing a 'love me' suit by now.. (you know the ones that make you hug yourself when they tie the arms down and lead you to your padded room)

    On the road and fishing is the goal of all FAOL "staff". With Dee and Trav together, a healthy lifestyle will be a priority. The good news is that from my totally uneducated perspective, Dee's writing and passion in the sport seem to be rejuvenated and getting better.

    With an owner that spends more time on the road, writing better material, I see a win win situation here. The processes are in place and will be improved on to make Dee's involvement more managerial, with MUCH less time in front of a screen.

    So the most likely scenario is as follows:
    Dee gathers articles (we have changes to promote newer writer submissions in the works) and chooses which ones to use in upcoming issues. An editing staff (hopefully more than one in the not too distant future) will check spelling and make it ready for publication. At this point the articles will be ready to go and will automatically be published at the appropriate date. Dee can now deal with keeping enough money coming in to pay the bills, AND FISH.

    Right now I am doing a lot of the publishing of the site manually, but I have a life and a job that demand that I get this stuff automated soon. With a new look on the way, and all the content getting organized, and active promotion of new material/writers the FAOL members are sure to win.


  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by rtidd View Post
    The good news is that from my totally uneducated perspective, Dee's writing and passion in the sport seem to be rejuvenated and getting better.

    I could not agree with you more. Oh, your contribution has not gone unnoticed. For a worm drowner, you are okay. Many thanks.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  5. Default Where do We Go From Here


    Thank you for continuing. I have always found your weekly comment inspiring and look forward to it each week. I will take your admonition and make an effort to contribute more than just my weekly column on the reports page.

    Jeff Weltz

  6. #6
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    Floris, Ia, USA


    One thing that is certain and won't change is that all things change. Thank you all very much for the work that you do here and the reasons that you do it so that we may all interact on subjects that make up our beings. I know that things will go on and I hope that they go on with FAOL, because even though I don't post a lot, I am on here reading and learning basically every day here at "work", and it just makes the world a little nicer. I never met the venerable Mr. Castwell, but enjoyed many of his articles and so many short terse one sentence replies, that never were completed with, but looked to me like they should have ended with "you dummy" . After a few years of getting used to that I miss it now.

    Another thing about contributing. A while back after reading some disparaging remarks about stocked trout, I wrote a little article about my limited experiences trout fishing and how I thought those stockers were wonderful. I debated for a while, after the surge to write it, about whether I should send it in to FAOL and finally decided that if Columbus took a chance why couldn't I, so I sent it. It may seem silly to many, but what a thrill it was when a couple months later when I logged on on Monday and there it was right on the front page! With the time lag I had thought that it probably wasn't up to FAOL standards and so would not be published, but there it was verbatim. Since the main theme of the story was about my wife, I e-mailed her the front page version with out ever telling her anything about it and she was amazed. She said " I never knew you felt that way about me going fishing with you, and how come there weren't any misspelled words?" It made me realize that many of us go through life assuming that others know how we feel about them just because "we" feel it everyday. I now understand that it might be a good thing to just tell them sometimes and make you both feel special for a while. Also how great is spell check !!

    That kind of got away from me. The point is that if a hillbilly like me can make it to the front page more of you knowledgable experienced members should be submitting stuff and let the good editors decide what is good and what is not quite good enough with out a little tweaking. Get started now because Monday is just around the corner and last Monday is gone forever.

  7. #7
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    Well said Bowmaker. I may just start writing an article, if it get published that good, if it doesn't that okay too. I will benefit from writing it.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  8. #8

    Cool LF

    hmmmmm...I may get 'banned'? but you asked for response & here goes the can of worms opening...I guess I am way too old fashioned & be it none of my buisness but...remarried??...that didn't take long !!!...anyway...good luck to you & FAOL
    ...so many boo rods, so many trout....do I have enough time?...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Davis, IL, USA

    Default Keep It Up

    Castwell's passing was a shock, but fortunately he had inspired many others to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for fly fishing. Given that, FAOL can cast on for many years as I hope it does. Think of all the religions, governments, and organizations that have survived their founders. They thrive as long as they are true to the spirit of their founders. I see that here and look for many more years.

  10. #10


    I stumbled onto this site a few years ago.
    In that time I have had many , many hours of decent , wholesome entertainment here.
    FAOL has helped me immeasurably to improve myself as an angler over the last few years.
    Should a vote be taken as to "what" should happen with FAOL , than I should like to cast my vote for a continuation.
    The people running FAOL have been doing a very good job of maintaining a very nice place for like minded people to meet ,visit and exchange ideas on a common theme. Having visited other sites that espouse to be fishing related FAOL is the best that I've found.
    Thank you very much for having such a place as this .
    It is truly appreciated .

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