Back to the mini-controversy about being short as the cause of poor success nymph fishing. Nymph fishermen have two (or more) schools of thought on this aspect of fishing. To use indicators, or not. Thus there's controversy about how it should be done. I don't think your height has very much to do with your success, rather, the ability to stick with the program until success comes, has much more to do with catching trout on nymphs. I admire those who've put in the time and honed their instincts to the point where they're proficient, without the use of indicators. I can get by on small steams, but it's definitely hit and miss on the larger ones without an indicator. Using an indicator or dry dropper set-up can teach you a lot about where and how fish will take a nymph in different places. I advocate this is as a good way to learn, and then when the desire to graduate to going naked strikes, you'll have an advantage. Either way, if you don't keep nymphs on your tippet, you'll never become proficient.