I, too fish with women. Most if my fishing is done with "my
My wife and two great laddies. Carol and Kim are the reason my wife loves to fish so much now. No matter how much I tried to convencie my wife Dianna that is was ok that her castng was not as nice to look at as other peoples (men). It took meeting Kim and Carol and going "fishing" with the 3 of us to see that women can and do learn to cast and fish well. Dianna is not as hardcore as we three are but she is willing to go and to try and keep up.

Yes it does take them as little longer to get on the water but I have met few men that can and will stay on the water as long as they do. As for casting both Kim and Carol are very good casters and teachers of casting as well.

In a nut shell yes I like fishing with women very much.