It is July at last, the second, Thursday to be exact. Just 3 days left and I must get on an Airplane here in Spokane, WA and fly to Anchorage, AK. (hard to wait)

Back some time ago HAP from Anchorage phoned me and asked if I would be interested in giving a talk about Hackle to a monthly Anchorage Fly Fishers meeting. Art has been a customer of mine for a number of years. A friend I have never met in person.

I have been supportive of this club for a number of years and find they are a great bunch.

Of course I accepted because I never give a presentation unless of course I can go fishin.

The board met, things were put in motion. Tickets purchased, arrangements made here at the Ranch (had to get permission from LIZ & Kenny so the birds will going to be cared for).

I am supposed to give my talk on July 6th. Art has been planning on were we are going to go fishin.

This is a dream come true for me. I am almost packed and have been more than ready for several months. Have spent a few hours at the vise tying a few flies..

I plan on taking a couple pictures and LF has asked me to write up my Alaska adventures after I get home.

As I am back at my shift on Sunday evenings in the Chat Hut (6 to 8 PM, PST) I will not Host for two Sundays.

I will be back I think. Most people I have talked to say I will not want to come back.

Wish I could take all who have asked, in my suitcases. Rest assured you all will be in my thoughts while I walk this adventure of a lifetime.
