Hello, Bob and Thanks! It's nice to be back, REGARDLESS of what Ohio-Vise Thief-Tuber says!
"The missing Stetson", is actually missing in the above pics, for a very good reason..........
As also is evident in the above pictures, "Daniel", Jeff's son, is also well known as "Daniel-Young Brad Pitt-Sluter" for obvious reasons.
Well, Jeff and I made the decision one day, that "If Daniel's along, fishing with us PLUS I'm also wearing my Stetson on the stream"....................... well, simply put....... have ya' ever tried to throw a decent amount of line when there's close to 200 women hanging around behind you? Wanting autographs, asking embarrassing questions, BEGGING to have a pic taken with you??
Yeah, sometimes I guy just has to sacrifice for the good of the cause!