How many fish am I catching?
Am I hungry and did I pack lunch?
Is there a rock I can sit on while I eat?
Am I trying to figure out what the fish are eating?
Can I catch some bugs?
Darn I missed another fish!
I'm going to stop and change my fly. Again!
Upstream or down?
Fast or slow?
Rocky, muddy, clear?
I knew I should have bought a wading staff!
I'm hungry again and I already ate lunch.
Can I reach the granola bar in the back of my vest without taking everything off?
Crap, I dropped my rod!
I hope my wife remembers to pick me up.
She'll probably be late so I can slow down.
Better not she'll be pissed if she has to wait.
But she's shopping.
It's not starting to rain is it?

Way too many variables. But fun to think about.