
If you are thinking of a new glass rod, check out http://fiberglass-fly-rods.pbworks.com/Modern+Rods for info on almost all of the new glass rods on the market (except WW Griggs - coming soon). From your description, a Steffen rod may be a good match. Mark makes a fine rod in any configuration that you desire.

If rugged is THE most important attribute, Mojo made a great suggestion of an old Fenwick Feralite rod. The FF756 and FF806 are both 6 weight rods. Both show up routinely on eBay for under $100. The FF755 and FF805 are 5 weight rods that aren't quite as common and they typically sell for $100 or more. I've banged some heavy Clousers off the tip of an 8 foot Fenwick with no apparent damage.
