First go to a small mountain stream 20 miles from your house. Slip and fall in at very first spot. Empty water from hip boot but enjoy the 56 degrees cool off. Proceed up stream about a quarter mile or more in the next two hours. Walk back to truck for lunch and decide to call wife to tell her how you're doing. Reach for phone and discover it's missing. Go down to stream where you fell in and peer into water and find no phone there. Put on tennies and retrace steps alongside stream and again find no phone. Drive 20 miles home and call your cell number from wife's phone and get a ring most likely indicating your phone does not now reside on stream bottom. Drive 20 miles back to stream and start walking alongside it redialing your cell number after every six rings because if there's no answer it goes to voicemail or "leave a message" status. All the while, hoping that you might be able to hear your cell ring over the stream noise. Get to where you exited the stream back to the road without hearing an answering ring. Say prayer or a few nasty words about your stupidity. (Knew I should have put that #$%^&* phone in my pocket instead of using that @#$%^&* belt clip.) Decide to give it one more try. On second try start hearing a very faint ring back towards stream. Retrace steps and hear a couple more rings before it fades out. Go further back, about 20 yards, and closer to stream. Start back towards road but circle around stand of nasty green briars this time. Redial once again. Start hearing your cellphone on first ring this time. Walk forward about ten yards and on fourth ring it sounds like you should be right on it. Take two more steps and look down at sixth ring and voila' - there it is at last! Pick up your cell and call wife on home number knowing she'll see your cell number pop up on caller ID on the TV screen.

Cost of gas to and from extra 40 miles driven - about $4.58.

Cost of extra time spent not being able to fish while trying to find cellphone - nothing.

Finding lost cellphone while trouting - priceless!