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Thread: Help Adding Distance to Casts

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sierra mountains west of Lake Tahoe


    As far as books go, I really like Jason Borger's "The Nature of Fly Casting".

    And if I could get 60 feet consistently I'd be happy. Then I'd start wondering how many fish were in the water between me and the end of that 60' cast.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Another easy way? Watch JC or LF cast. A few minutes with them and you'll be surprised at the improvements!

    FWIW ... it's not rocket surgery. Be open to change, be quiet, pay attention, go for it! Quit trying so hard.
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    For distance casting, I don't have much to add to what has already been said.

    I will say the vast majority of fish I catch are inside of 50'. Perhaps I don't fish the same type of water and I've never gone after salt water fish so I'm not sure there.

    I will say accuracy, presentation and stealth are the weapons I use with accuracy being high on the list. Also, I always start close in and progressively work my way out to longer casts and when I reach my limit, I then move a few feet down the shore or up/down the river. If you start 60' away and hook a fish, you'll scare off everything that is between you and that fish also, the longer fight tires the fish out more and increases the odds of the fish getting off.

    I shoot rifles in competition and there is a correlation between distance and accuracy. For example, if your rifle shoots a 1" group at 100 yards (approximately 1 minute of angle), that same rifle can be expected to shoot a 5" group at 500 yards (same MOA).

    With casting, you can hit a paper plate at 30', your accuracy would logically expand to about the size of a garbage can lid at 60' and the size of a small kiddie pool at 90'.

    A lot of the warm water areas I fish, the hole in the moss or weeds that I'm trying to hit is usually about the size of a garbage can lid. I try to keep within 30-50' of these so that I can have a realistic chance of landing the fly where I want it.

    I know there are guys and gals out there who can hit a paper plate at 90' but I'm not one of them. I compensate with stealth and shorter casts.

    Just a thought.


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    There really is a secret 'code' of proprietary' secrets to teaching casting. A very select group of individuals possess this knowledge. Closely guarded and never totally revealed, they are what makes them seem so superior to those of the cretinous commoners. Confusing buzz words and ambiguous phrases designed only to confuse and mystify.
    To create and assure this discipline they flood the sport with useless pulp fiction. Proof is simple to establish, simply watch any two DVD and notice the exact opposite elements being taught. Or just use simple reasoning; who do you know that can cast exactly like 'Lefty' or 'Joan'? They have been trying for decades to produce 'clones'. How well have they done. That you can not cast exactly as either of them may be a blessing, run with that, then build on it.
    I, on the other hand, have no such problems as no one has even thought to cast as I do or been led in that direction. So, now you should be content with possessing the real inside scoop on how to cast.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Missouri & Texas


    To quote John Daly "Grip it and rip it"

  6. #16


    I liked the rifle analogy....

    That being said, I know/knew guys who could shoot into 6 inches, consistently, at 1,000 yards...saw a man put five shots throgh one hole with a Garand at 100 yards firing prone....

    Not everyone can do that. Nor can everyone be taught to do that.

    Basic skills, yes, but some guys have that special something in their physical systems that allows them the abilities to 'get it' and then excell that many just don't have.

    It's the same with fly casting, or any physical endeavor. Maybe 60 feet is all you can do...maybe with practice you can get to 90...some guys can get to 100 with only minimal instruction...a lot of it depends on the person.

    It's a 'physical' skill. It's not just the rod, nor is it just mechanics. It's timing, feel, and apptitude, also...some times that can't be 'taught', and sometimes it can't be learned or even 'figured out' either.

    Do your best and don't sweat it. Sounds like you are practicing and doing what you can. Keep doing that, but if you can't 'reach' those off shore targets, maybe you'll have to find an alternate solution.

    Boat? Tube? Toon? I do know that hooking a bass with ANY fly rod is tough out past fifty feet or so...something else to consider.

    Good Luck!

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  7. #17


    I don't think of myself as a great caster nor am I remotely qualified to teach anyone about casting. But when I commited to learning how to double haul, my distance casting improved 10-fold. It was the one single thing that finally "clicked" that helped me get some distance and feel what is going on during a cast.

    Don't worry about your cast just go fishing as often as possible....that's how I learned.

  8. #18


    There are many great points being made as well as some ideas. They are all appreciated. My main issue is that I live in an area that is overwhelmingly gear fishing oriented and I struggle to find local resources to help improve facets of my casting. (I meet many people very curious about this 'fly fishing thing'...but I never have to worry about getting crowded out!) Everything I have come by(right or wrong!) so far is self-taught. There is satisfaction in that alone, but I am simply always on the lookout for new ways to learn and improve Thanks again for all the input!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Mineral Bluff, GA USA

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region


    Quote Originally Posted by K3's View Post
    I can currently throw about 60ft comfortaby and accurately before mechanics start to fall apart.

    (submerged blow downs, weed beds, cruising pods of carp etc)

    I would like to add 15 to 20 feet if I could.
    Sixty foot conformably excellent, as someone mentioned above you are B.E.H.I.
    beyond external human influences lol,

    Please describe your rod and line, might be time for a change,

    As for myself, I really like and cast Mastery WF-9-F
    on my Orvis Trident PM10+
    and Cortland 333HT WF8F Bass on a Lamiglas F907

    The eight weight is slower and a real slinger under low cover
    65 foot casts are a breeze.

    The nine weight Trident is my all around practice/fish stick, nice, fast and crisp,
    seventy five foot casts I'd bet would feel as easy as your 60-footers did!
    I'd lay money down on you if you had this rod,,, I feel like a bass pro salesmen :)

    Are you throwing a sinker line?, my pet wands each have one weight lighter lines in Cortland 333HT WF7F/S Sink Tip & Cortland 444 WF8S Rocket taper
    kinda like having two double barrow shotguns.

    My orvis rod and the rocket taper casts well with a slight open loop to forty feet and aprox a four foot loop to sixty feet. Still makes a nice tight
    good looking side or off kilter cast to go the distance.. Very appropriate name for this line..

    Not sure if any of my lines are still available as these are many years old, and still in fair shape.
    I keep the lines polished up with a good conditioner and cleaner as well..

    Would love to test out a new sharkskin line one day, some day...
    with one of those new sage bass rods..
    This post may end up costing me...

    Have fun!


    I would not recommend as my friend UB above, closing one's eyes while tossing these, or as UB dose state all of a sudden you will understand! lol
    Last edited by Steve Molcsan; 05-12-2009 at 06:46 AM.
    Relaxed and now a Full Time Trout Bum, Est. 2024

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