Let me preface this by saying I am a fan of Star Trek but NOT a trekkie. I like the shows, movies but I have kept the like in 'reality'.
I like the original, The Next Generation and Star Trek Enterprise series. Voyager blew!
OK, with that said, here's my take on the newest movie.

The Good:
-Pretty lively and 'energetic'.
-Decent story
-Good acting
-Good, young actors
-decent twist on the characters
-no big attempt at pushing an agenda..........THANK GOD! The "save the whales" movie was horrible.

The Bad:
-introduction of characters was hokie and went on...................... FOREVER!
-was pretty predictable
-'Spock adoration' continues
-slight attempt at agenda-pushing.....'endangered species'.

Over all this may be the best Star Trek movie....although that isn't saying that much.

As you can tell I like the series-based Treks better than the movies.