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Thread: Thank you!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Between California and the Far-East

    Default Mongolia trip

    Yes sir, I'll do just that. Thank you.

    The float trip consists of 10 days, 7 nights on the river with 6 full days of fishing for Lenok, Greyling and of course the monster Taimen. I've read that often times the Taimen will hit the Lenok you just hooked, swallowing them whole.

    I'll have a couple of camera's on ready and intend to keep a journal of the trip, so it would be fun to share the adventure and/or misadventures with you all.

    Tight lines!

  2. #12

    Smile "Reader's Cast"

    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    ...I'll have a couple of camera's on ready and intend to keep a journal of the trip, so it would be fun to share the adventure and/or misadventures with you all....
    Just to expand on what JC suggested, think in terms of a "Reader's Cast" article for the archives, not just a fishing report posted on the Fishing Reports Forum. That way your account of your experience will be available to the viewing public for as long as this site operates.

    The fish are always right.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    Right John, exactly what I had in mind. Write 'er up, hook the pictures as jpg. attachments to it and email it in to us.

  4. #14


    Welcome! You wouldn't happen to be the same "Topper" from CPF would you?
    "Engineers don't idle well."

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Between California and the Far-East

    Default article

    I'll be happy to put it together as you guys suggest. Not sure how entertaining my writing will be but I'll try to convey the experience and put together some pictures that relate. That will be a nice way to finish out the trip for me as well. Thanks for the suggestion.

    CO Flyfisher; no, not the same person I'm afraid. What is CPF?


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mojave Desert CA


    Topper, Welcome to FAOL from sunny So Cal. Sounds like you're getting geared up for the trip of a lifetime. Hope you document it for us. We want a story and photos. Jim
    I'm either going to, coming from or thinking about fishing. Jim

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Between California and the Far-East

    Default Gearing up

    Thanks for the welcome. You're right Jim, I have to get "geared up" and that's more than thought provoking, if not a bit bewildering.

    Although I've spent most childhood and adult free time fishing off-shore, this is my first foray into your world of fly-fishing and I don't have a problem admitting to being a confused pilgrim. So dang many choices of tackle and gear, stuff I've never heard of much less understand what it's for.

    When I laid out my "needed"/wish gear list on the kitchen table a few weeks ago ... I detected a wince of disbelief from my bride.

    I have over a year to begin to collect the stuff needed for this trip so that kind of lessens the $ remorse blow. And will no doubt look to you fellas for some sage advise from time to time.

    Like: an 8, 9, or 10 weight rod for Taimen, 4, 5, 6 wt for Lenok and Grayling.
    Floating and sinking or sink tip line for Taimen and floating line for trout and lenok. Minimum 16 or 20lb for Taimen and 4lb for lenok
    Reels, spare spools and plenty of strong backing, at least 150 yds of 20lb backing.

    I have to begin researching the best/affordable rod and reel for Taimen and of course a different set up for trout. I reckon I can use the Taimen set up for future more local salmon trips.

    While several brand names for rods and reels consistently pop up during peoples conversations, I don't have a clue yet as to what is the best/smart stuff to look at.

    Of course I'll begin to collect flies; for lenok and greyling, it has been suggested to bring cricket patterns, hoppers, chernobyl ants, caddis and mayfly pattern stimulators. Also some nymphs, gold bead prince nymph in particular. The outfitter will provide flies for Taimen which consists of gurglers, and "lenok" patterns. I'll probably bring along large stremers and salmon tube flies for luck.

    Then all the clothes and stuff I don't already own; goretex waders, wading boots, vest, upgrade my sleeping bag .... the list goes on.

    Certainly not the least of the requirements for this trip will be conditioning, a positive by-product of the trip no doubt (and was a selling feature to my wife). I don't want to run out of gas at altitude.

    I'm from the Bay Area (no. cal) and will spend a lot of time in the mountains this year learning how to fish again.

    I had planned to keep a journal of my trip and of course expect to take lot's of pictures anyway, so am more than happy to share my adventure with you.

    In many ways the journey has already begun.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    San Diego, CA


    I highly recommend a Pentax W60 pocket camera for the documentation obligation.

    Water proof to 30 feet. Does underwater pictures of Trout!

    Fits inside a vest pocket.

    $220 online.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Between California and the Far-East


    My equipment list appears to be getting bigger. Ha. Yeah I was thinking my Nikon D70 might be a bit cumbersome out there. Looks like I might have to draw up a "Dad's birthday wish list" and leave it in conspicous places for my wife and kids and grandkids to ponder.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    Harris,, I have the W-30,,, does just fine for all conditions.

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