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Thread: Bad shoulder

  1. #1

    Default Bad shoulder

    I had shoulder surgery about five weeks ago.Like everything else you here those famous words you have nothing to worry about.After all is said and done doc comes buy and says everything went ok,but during surgery found bicep musle tore in half and couldnt repair.I flyfish with both hands,and reel in with my right hand.If there is someone out on this forum with the same situation i would like to know how you deal with fishing.Just looking for some answers .

  2. #2
    Uncle Barry Guest


    Good afternoon Ron.
    Mate, its time.
    Its time you too checked out the easy way to fly fish.

    Its time for a Trout Spey Rod.

    Then like me, you will think, why didn't I do this years ago !

    If you would like an idea or three or a direction in little Spey rods, please feel free to yell out........
    I will flood you with ideas and suggestions.

    Kind regards,

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Barry View Post
    Good afternoon Ron.
    Mate, its time.
    Its time you too checked out the easy way to fly fish.

    Its time for a Trout Spey Rod.

    Then like me, you will think, why didn't I do this years ago !

    If you would like an idea or three or a direction in little Spey rods, please feel free to yell out........
    I will flood you with ideas and suggestions.

    Kind regards,
    Uncle Barry i think im going to take you up on that trout spey rod.Do you make your own or do you buy yours from a dealer?

  4. #4
    Uncle Barry Guest


    Good afternoon RonZ
    "Uncle Barry i think im going to take you up on that trout spey rod.Do you make your own or do you buy yours from a dealer? "

    Make our own.
    We develope a concept, the design performance and then work through it all with a composite eng, from there after a number of trails, we then have someone roll the blank and 'stick' all the bits on.

    Kind regards,

  5. #5

    Cool Me too -

    I've gone through three of the bloody shoulder surgeries, all on the same right shoulder.
    Learn to cast off-handed. It takes a little doing, but if Castwell can double haul with either hand the rest of us can learn to at least cast with our 'dumb' hand. You might be surprised at how good you can get! *S*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA

    Default Bad Right Shoulder

    Why is spey casting easier on a shoulder? I'm not familiar with it. I've been having a hard time nymphing this year because of a bad right shoulder. Actually, both of my shoulders are bad. I was thinking of learning to nymph with my left arm, but I think it's just as bad.

    Ladyfisher: I just finished with a physical therapist. She says everything feels tight and strong in my rotator cuff. She's said without seeing an MRI she'd guess I have arthritis in both shoulders. Being a veteran with shoulder problems do you have any advice?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Fort Morgan, Colorado

    Angry Bad shoulder

    Quote Originally Posted by LadyFisher View Post
    I've gone through three of the bloody shoulder surgeries, all on the same right shoulder.
    Learn to cast off-handed. It takes a little doing, but if Castwell can double haul with either hand the rest of us can learn to at least cast with our 'dumb' hand. You might be surprised at how good you can get! *S*
    LF, I've had both rotator cuffs reconstructed and can still cast with either hand, guess I was just lucky. There is a great article by Lefty Kreh in Flyfisherman magazine one or two issues ago oncasting with bad shoulders using a sidearm stoke, very informative, you might try to look it up.
    "Tap her light and she'll always be fresh"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    San Diego, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by lastchance View Post
    Why is spey casting easier on a shoulder? I'm not familiar with it. I've been having a hard time nymphing this year because of a bad right shoulder. Actually, both of my shoulders are bad. I was thinking of learning to nymph with my left arm, but I think it's just as bad.

    Ladyfisher: I just finished with a physical therapist. She says everything feels tight and strong in my rotator cuff. She's said without seeing an MRI she'd guess I have arthritis in both shoulders. Being a veteran with shoulder problems do you have any advice?
    Lefty Kreh's casting book has a chapter on shoulder pain and injury. it is written fly his surgeon. The Dr. explains that you cannot heal from shoulder ligament damage if you sleep with your arm under your head. I tried his suggestion to keep your arm inside a T shirt and was greatly relieved of a 3 year pain in about a week. Two months later, now, I feel cured. Two of my acquaintances have gotten relief from this approach.

    I broke the had under the head habit in about a week.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA

    Default Arm under head

    I can't sleep that way because of the shoulder ache and pain I get. I only sleep that way by mistake.

    I do a lot of highstick nymphing and it requires, as you know, keeping the arm raised for long periods. That's when the ache begins. I used to be able to fish 4 or 5 hours at a time before the pain. That window is closing steadily.

  10. #10
    Uncle Barry Guest


    Good morning.
    For starters to get things correct,
    I did not write Spey casting is easier......etc

    What I wrote was something about a TROUT Spey rod.

    Because, its almost too easy to use.........that simple.

    High sticking nymphing, where you have your hands up reached.
    With an extra 3 feet of rod length, you no longer have the hand way up in the sky kind of thing.

    Trout Spey rods are very light.
    Like most things, if you share a pick-up load with two hands its super light and easy, the same applies to fly rods.

    Casting, you don't have to lift your hand about your shoulders.
    Cast 75 to 80 feet from a single Spey, snake roll, underhand cast.

    I've heard it all before, and once a caster sees a smooth easy cast from someone with some casting skill, their ideas change fast, result, that want that rod, and in each and every case, the person never asks how much, how many dollars will it cost, unlike the single handed rod purchase.

    Is there a message there ?

    I've heard the Double isn't suitable for tight over grown locations, time and time again, BUT that claim is always from no owners of little Doubles...hey is'nt that odd ?

    Not suitable for boats or saltwater, again funny tales from non Double owners.

    Kind regards,
    Disclaimer : I design, have made, sell, teach casting and use Double rods.

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