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Thread: New Used Fish Cat 4 Question

  1. #1

    Default New Used Fish Cat 4 Question

    Question for fellow tubers I have an opporunity to purchase a Fish Cat 4 over craigslist, for $50. The owner states there is a slow leek and I was woundering if anyone has had any luck repairing any leeks on there Fish Cats or any other tubes. I think that it is a good deal for me, and I will meet this person in to make sure that it is infact a slow leek before I buy. But if I know that the leek can be repaired it will make feel better about this deal.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Western Portal Sequoia National Forest & the G.T.W., Kern River, CA.


    Hi Jeff,

    It could be something as simple as a little particulate matter ( dust or dirt ) in the inflation valve. It could also be a seam leak or a pin hole in the bladder. It's tough to say from behind a keyboard and tough to check for without a pump, time, water, etc.
    You could easily clean out the valve and think you've licked the problem, just to find out down the road that there is more than one source for the pressure loss.

    Yet of all the customers who brought back float tubes and pontoon boats to us over the years, to send back to the manufacturers for service. The vast majority were taken care of on the spot by cleaning out the inflation valve. A lot of casual pontoon and float tube users are terrible about keeping their valves closed and / or covered when not in use, the result is dust accumulation on / and around the valve seals or seats which often manifests itself as a slow leak

    Pump the thing up to full pressure, position the unit so that the valve opening is facing up and then fill the sealed valve opening with a little water, If you see bubbles, you've probably found the source of the problem. That might tell you all you need to know.
    Problem is, you'll have shown the seller the same thing, which might change his mind about the price or his willingness to sell. I mean we're talking Craigslist here, not FAOL, you get my drift.

    Why not contact the units manufacturer first and ask about the cost of a replacement bladder. If the cost of a new bladder still makes the tube seam like a deal to you, then go for it. Personally, I'm not a big fan of buying other folks defective stuff, especially where it's performance might have an impact on my longevity.

    Best of luck, Dave

    Last edited by Dave E; 04-30-2009 at 05:22 PM.

  3. #3


    Great info on the leek in the valve, that help I did look into a new baldder from Outcast and I think it is about $35, all together I think it is still a deal, but I am still think about it. I agree I don't want someone elses problem, but I could get into the tube I wont for a fraction of the true cost. Still checking this out for myself, we will see.

    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    I had a slow leak in the foward tip section of my Fish Cat 4 LCS. I had the bladder out twice before I found it easy repair after that cover it with the plastic tape that came with the tube. I have had 3 round tubes, the Fish Cat is a Cadillac in comparison.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Saint Joseph Mo


    I have a the FC4 and as of yet I do not have a leak but have had one on the wifes belly boat and fixed it with the stuff that came with my fish cat so I know it works. Me personally I would snatch it up for 50 bucks.


  6. #6

    Thumbs up

    Also do check the rubber seals in the Boston valves. Due to the dry climate here in CO and intense UV, my Fishcat 4 had leaks in both valves, you could see the cracks. Fishcat was very responsive; it only cost a couple bucks for replacement valves.
    I'd buy a used Fishcat 4 for 50 bucks any day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Stamford, CT,USA


    Suggest putting a little dish soap in the water before putting it on the valve. The bubles will be much easier to see; particurlay if a very slow leak.

    I clean my pontoon valve seats each spring as an annual maintenance. Lock them open and swab the valve rubber with a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol. I always get several fine grit particles from doing this. Only had a slow leak once and cleaning fixed that.

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