John, that is a good question what does it get you???

In my eight years living in Idaho, I was never stopped by fish and game, never had my licence checked, never saw a fish and game officer on the water. In fact the only time I for sure saw any employee of fish and game was in my Idaho Falls and Lewiston Toast Masters Clubs, there was an officer in each of those clubs. And at the college welcome fair each year where they had a booth looking for volunteers etc.

This legislation as stated in the last line of the law was looked at as emergency legislation, AKA we have to do something. The something that they did was create a user tax, OK I can live with that. But where the rubber hits the road, I doubt if I spent the summer in Idaho if I would ever see anyone enforcing this law. The people of Idaho are going to have to keep there legislature honest or this will just be another tax.
