With the climbing prices of fly line (freshwater) here's some questions -

How long, with average care, should it last? For line $0-20, $20-40, $40-60+?

Other than obvious damage, how do you know when it is time to change line? Does it affect one's cast?

If I buy some line and want to store it for a couple of years, is there a good way? I'm thinking in a dark, dry, cool place.

Besides wear and tear, heat, and direct light, are there any other bad things?

Is there a way to "heal" nicks? Any other fly line first aid tips would be welcome.

I've mostly use Orvis Wonderline and I've fished it hard for 3 seasons and it seems to be ready for its 4th. I try to clean and dress it after 3 or 4 trips (12-20 hours), but I'm not always religious about it.

Springs a'comin' and so's retirement - oh baby, oh baby, OH BABY!