Man, so many versions to be found. I had a couple that I had tyed a few years ago that I had good luck with last year and a friend I gave one too was having good luck with it this year, so I decided to tye up a few, but I didn't have a copy to go by,so, no problem right? Just look on here, my books, There has to be a about a dozen different versions I have found so far, crazy, I live on the East coast and thought that would be simple just search For an Eastern March Brown but that didn't prove to be so simple... I finally found the version that looks like the one I have been useing....


* Hook : 8 - 10 (x1 shank sometimes used)
* Thread : Orange
* Tail : Reddish brown hackle barbs
* Body : Tan red fox belly fur
* Wing : Heavily barred lemon wood duck flank
* hackle : Brown and grizzle mixed

Country of Origin:

America - Catskills

Do any of you folks use this fly and if so, what version (Dry Fly) do you use?