Seeing Joni's 'hot new pattern' thread brought this to mind for me.

Here on FAOL we get inundated with outstanding flies on a daily basis. Some you can look at and easily decide that while tying a few might be fun, you're not likely to actually 'use' them...but once in a while you'll see something that you just 'know' will work for you. Also, many of us are always experimenting with stuff, trying new things...tweaking to get ceertain actions, fit certain it 'product developement' or 'design phase' whatever..eventually though, you get to where you 'want' it to be.....

When you 'find', develope or 'decide' on fly you're going to fish, how many of them do you tie so you have 'enough on hand' for fishing?

I'm asking about 'after' you've 'tested it'...or decided for whatever reason that 'this fly' is one you will actually use?

A dozen? A dozen of several sizes? Several hundred so the technique is 'set' in your mind/hands?

Just a couple, knowing you can always tie more?
