Hey Mikey! I got your message when I woke up at 11 p.m. to go to bed. The Dough god is alive and well, and working his butt off, which is why you don't see me post here much. Quite frankly I'm jealous of those of you with some extra time for tying flies, and ...gasp...time for fishing, so I try to not subject myself to the personal trauma of looking at the pictures. Thanks for your concern, and here's a litle treat for you:

Pizza from my homemade, no-knead pizza dough...

a nice loaf of Challah Bread...

and just in time for Easter, Hot Cross Buns before icing the cross on them...

and finally, the Dough god icing his buns at a food pantry fundraiser at church last Saturday. We raised $900 for the food pantry, and had 22 students learn to bake bread ...

Hope that give you a little Dough god fix until the weather straightens out and we can go fishing again.
