
Tail: brown hackle fibers
Body: Blue krystal flash with a red thread band mid abdomen in the style of a royal wulff
Wing: one single upright wing of white calf tail or body hair, depending on size
hackle: brown, tied parachute style
thread: red
hook: standard dry

when you tie in the krystal flash, use three strands and once they're secured, twist them into a cord between your thumb and forefinger. this will keep them from going everywhere when you start to wrap them around the hook. take two or three turns, and secure them again. build up a thread band mid thorax, then wind the krystal flash forward to finish the body. I take mine all the way to the eye of the hook, but i've seen versions where the blue terminates at the wing. orvis sells a patriot tied in the catskill style, so look at their website if you want a visual reference for the body with the thread band.