Sorry ducksterman, I was outside all day...well if you're talking stripping the Medalist, I'd use a
mild stripper and stay with it...I wouldn't leave it on for long. A harsh stripper could alter the
dimensions, especially a caustic stripper as mentioned if left on for a long time. The various stripping
chemicals are marked as such if'n they are. Once stripped, polished and sealed it wouldn't be any more
susceptible to caustics than it would originally but then there's no reason for the reel to be around caustics anyway.

Also, I'd say the Medalists are painted and since they are, herefishy's Super Black would work good to freshen a Medalist up in my opinion. I mean I don't see why not, but I haven't done that...thought about it but also like the mojo of the past owners having worn the edges down, chipped some paint here and there.

All that being said, I do think it would be cool to strip one out, polish it and seal it with clear just to see how long it lasts and the comments it might bring. Careful once again though, aluminum isn't that easy to polish in certain grades and I suspect Medalists are what machinists refer to as a 'gummy' metal. It actually wants to smear so to speak under the buffing wheel if it's a softer alloy. Beyond that, heck, go for it ducksterman ! Man, I hope some of this helps.

