Maybe a bit off topic, but for you that enjoy ice fishing...

Found this link on another forum [url=][/url:4e915] , and it prompted me to help spread the word about ice safety and rescue. (source for link: [url=][/url:4e915]

How long could you live in freezing water? Do you know how to get out of the water if you fell through the ice?

Of course at some point (particularly in Alaska) one could assume that the ice is thick enough to hold a Sherman Tank. I'm here to tell you that I fell through the ice on a day that was -20 degree F at a stream outlet near a beaver lodge (I should have know better!).

This is a great video on how to survive falling through and how to get out.

(I suppose those that don't have to worry about ice need to watch out for alligators? I wonder if the Dr. would be willing to do a study on that?)

Enjoy and be safe