Building Employee Loyalty

Late last year a friend of mine was talking to his wife. She told him that her Mother was coming for a few days the next week and he should take off a couple of days from work to help show her around. "Great", my friend thought, "I'm about out of days off for the year and I've got to waste 'em like this. What he said was,
"Yes Dear. What a lovely idea." (It should be noted that the Preamble to the US Constitution doesn't guarantee actual "Domestic Tranquility".)

My friend went in to see his boss, asked for two days off, and explained why he needed them. His boss looked him square in the eye and sternly said,
"No way I can let you any days off next week. We are just too busy."
My friend looked back at his boss and said,
"Thanks. I knew you'd understand."

This is how good bosses assure employee loyalty.
