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Thread: Soon JC?

  1. #1

    Default Soon JC?

    "I would like to go into the knots you use to fasten the leader to your fly line, but that's too involved. Different knots are best for different conditions. Perhaps someday I will cover the correct knots and when to use them. "

    In case some of you didn't read "Winding Too Far" this is a JC quote.

    Having lost my share of fish to knots...heck probably more than my share I try to pay attention to the proper knots .
    I think for the most part we tend to ty knots we remember...that we find easy to ty ...even if we don't think they are the strongest or best suited.

    I would like for JC to present his ideas and at the risk of getting shot down I'll give the one that I've gleaned from reading what sounded like good "tests" and recommendations.


    Could go loop to loop but if not...
    -Needle Nailess...this one's neat if you've got time
    -Castwell knot...posts have been positive but to me I can't get over that it looks like it could slip


    -Ligature knot...if using nylon
    -Orvis tippet knot...if using fluorocarbon


    -Pitzen [16-20]
    -Orvis knot
    -Davy knot

    -or Non-slip loop at certain times

    Not talking salt here
    and who can remember all those....

    Shoot just reread JC's quote and realize he was only talking line to leader...well I'm not going to delete all this so here it is ....have at it....

  2. #2


    Just picked up some S.A. LTL connectors and leaders. Like the way they work! 5X leaders so not to worried about the 10 lb. limit on them.

    I feel more like I do now than I did when I got here!

    Cactus AKA "Lucky Dog (Pirate Name)"

    [This message has been edited by Jack Hise (edited 15 November 2005).]

  3. #3


    duckerster, RW here

    I'v been using a nail knot for leader-to- line connection for 45 years. It's never failed...not ever. Knots are like car models. They're all pretty good. It's just whatever the particular individual likes.


    "We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-

    [This message has been edited by Royal Wulff (edited 15 November 2005).]
    "The value of trout is simply that they exist" <Frank Weisbarth>

  4. #4


    Messed around with the splice connection and the no knot plastic things... Both have failed me leaving me to wonder how to tie a nail knot stream side.Last year there was a post on FAOL about a fast knot tool ... seen it a few weeks later in a store and picked it up .It is the easiest tool I have ever seen and I can tie a secure nail knot in under 30 seconds stream side.Liked it so much picked one up for the gift swap at last years Roscoe fish in.I think RW got it... wonder if he learned to use it .

    The more time I spend around people the more I like my dog.


  5. #5


    Mike (ny angler),

    Yep, I use the tool I won at the Roscoe fish-in, but I could tie the nail knot before. The tool just makes it easier. I think the nail knot slips through the guides easier than any other knot because the two ends of line are in perfect plum. JC, you're right. The nail knot is difficult to tie, but it's a dandy. I just tied one on the stream for my son when we were up in Erie....without the tool. Got lucky I guess.

    Later, RW

    "We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-
    "The value of trout is simply that they exist" <Frank Weisbarth>

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Out on the prairie -- USA



    I tried looking at the L2L Reconnect page and all I get is this:

    "The requested URL /about/RECONNECT/ was not found on this server."

    Looks like we are missing and index or default page in that directory. At least one named how the server expects it.

    Don Rolfson

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Out on the prairie -- USA


    What, no under construction page with animated GIFs of some dude standing around drinking coffee to make it appear he is really working?

    Guess I'll have to keep checking back. Looks like a neat item to try out. I know the L2L that I got from Ladyfisher sure was fun to play with.


    (im)patiently waiting for the page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . click. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .refresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . refresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . refresh . . . . . . . . . .
    Don Rolfson

  8. #8


    The folks at Scientific Anglers hope to have all the stuff done and available by the 1st of the year....as soon as we have more we'll get it up. In the meantime, I disabled the link (darn, shouldn't have put it there yet.)
    It is real, we have a couple here

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Out on the prairie -- USA


    Now that's just downright mean! Next thing I know you are gonna tell me you been out fishing for salmon or something!

    You didn't have to remove the link. It'd keep reminding me to check out the sponsors. especially that one!

    Don Rolfson

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Out on the prairie -- USA


    I don't mean to cause any more work than you guys already do. I know how much of a pain getting ready for a 'code move' is! (Working on one as we speak and having trouble. ) And you doing one every week! Heck, ours involve a few pages and some database stuff, nothing more, you got a bunch of static pages. Good for the search engine recognition, bad for the coder (LadyFisher).

    I truly appreciate the offer, and would not mind getting a link, but definitely don't make it a priority! I can check back ever' now and agin' and see what's up. Heck, I'm here enough, why not!

    Don Rolfson

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