rainshadow/batson im6 blanks are great and inexpensive. You can get a kit for under 100 dollars from Hook and Hackle I do believe. The kits Ron sells are very nice. Check them out. Otherwise just buy the blank they are a dark blue and get the cheapest componets you can. Can be realisticly built for under $100 and will make a great rod with a medium action. I know a lot of people will say oh no don't get this get that it is much better but for price and just starting out you can't beat them. I got a 4 weight for a friend of mine in this blank and he is tickled to death with it. It is now the rod that sits by the door so when he leaves he is not without it. Just my 2 cents. oh yea the downside to these rods....... they are cheap and only carry a 2 year warrenty.