well, being a snake owner i have to feed my snake. and i generally feed my snake mice. i always buy frozen mice from the petstore and just thaw them out for my snake. well, the biology teacher at my school breeds mice to feed the the class snake, but recently he ran into a problem. the mice were breeding to fast. so after mentioning that i own a snake he ended up giving me some mice, which i intend to breed (knowing full well i will probably run into the same problem, but i know yet another snake owner who could serve as an outlet for extra mice.) so i now have 3 mice which i am waiting to breed. and these three i will also probably just keep as pets and only feed their babies to my snake.
but anyways, i just got to thinking, mice have a very soft fur, and i was thinking it would make a great dubbing. but now the problem and purpose of this post. how would anyone recommend obtaining the fur (be it shaving, trimming, whatever) without hurting the mice. it seems like they have a very thin skin so i would be afraid of taking the scissors to them.

so what would you all recommend?