
Our local TU Chapter helped out with the TIC (Trout in the Classroom) projects at three middle schools last year. For the coming year we've had requests from 13 more middle schools and are already listing schools as alternates. We have initiated a committee to raise funds for these additional programs. The coordinator for our chapter and one of the school teachers presented a nice power point presentation at our Jan. meeting and the "projects" the kids created to go along with the TIC in-class program were very good. The three middle schools are going to be releasing the trout fingerlings they raised in a local stream in April. This is considered an educational project and not a stocking program. Permission of the VA Dept. Game & Inland Fisheries is necessary for the trout release. One of the state fish hatcheries provides the trout eggs. If you'd be interested in this program there are plenty of folks willing to share info. Send me a PM if you'd like some contact info or more about the program.