I think maybe one of our major problems nowadays is the language we use. We change words and definitions to fit into our agenda. We don't have illegal aliens anymore (which would make them criminals). We now have 'Undocumented Workers', which sounds more like a paperwork error. How did they evolve from criminals (which is anyone who breaks the law), into victims? Simply by semantics swaying public opinion.

What they now refer to as 'Profiling' used to be known as 'sizing-up the situation', and was considered an essential skill for all Law Enforcement personnel. It was even 'taught' at the Academies. Now it is considered a Disciplinary problem. No wonder we can't get a handle on crime anymore. And to fix it, what do they do today?????? They take away, or curltail more of Law Abiding citizens rights, and subject us to unconstitutional treatment.

We will have to stop it, ourselves, by saying "ENOUGH!" Don't patronize any entity that uses these practices, and make sure you vote to fire any elected public servants that support these practice (in violation of their Oath of Office).

Wake up, America!

Quote Originally Posted by Joe Valencic View Post
ROFLMAO. You guys are a hoot. The little urchin had to be treated as a threat because the rules makers said that you can't profile anyone, because that would be discriminatory against certain persons or groups. So, Junior (purely by his name) and accomplice Mommy (aiding and abetting) needed to be treated as common criminals because it's the politically correct thing to do so you never offend any person or group. And THAT, my friends, comes from those whom we put in charge of rules making every November. Don't like it? Then change the rules makers.

Common sense has never been less comon in our history than it is today. Oh, and I'm flying to the Tullahoma Fish-In in my clogs and long underwear (complete with trap door) to make it easy on TSA. Maybe I'll get a cute TSA agent with warm hands. He, he, he, he, he.....