Just got some new catalogs in the mail and after a quick once over I was sadly convinced that we have entered into a new era in fly fishing. $450 for a day with a guide! $800 for a fly rod! $400 for a reel with a hyped drag system that you will never need! Come on now fly fishing guides and tackle makers! Absurdity now reigns supreme in fly fishing. Only about 10 percent of the products being hustled in the catalogs are needed and the quality of so much of the stuff is terrible! Every bunch of marabou I've purchased in the last few years is only about 1/3 usable. What about fly boxes? You have to get a bank loan to purchase a couple of fly boxes these days--but they are waterproof--wow! I could go on and on. Money is the driver--always and always--sadly! No wonder we have been labeled elitists by the majority of the fishing public, and we've done a darn good job of earning the title. Another great example of the absurdity of the marketing mush is the fly line debacle! Come on sellers and manufacturers, how stupid do you think experienced fly fishers are? A carp line--give me a break. There will also come a time when the newbies will understand what this marketing fiasco is all about and then where will the sport be? However, ole PT said it well didn't he. My two cents worth. I guess that until folks stop believing all the fly fishing BS things will continue to spiral down and only the Wall Street bunch will be able to enjoy our sport. Ahhh--I feel better.
