...in this darned house with a staph infection AND allergic contact dermatitis (doctor speak for we don't know what it is but think it is poison ivy/oak/sumac or a reaction to nickle metal)!

Well the staph infection is momentarily being held in check but this dag gum rash is driving me up the walls! I think I got into the poison oak while deer hunting during this warm weather or I picked up something exotic brought back in a shipping container from overseas. I betting on poison oak/sumac and so is the doc. I was waking near the stuff while hunting. Probably got it on my hands and then I untucked my shirt because it was so stinking warm. Get that oil on hot, sweaty skin and look out. Fortunately I did not have to answer a nature call.

We spent about 4-5 hours in the hospital emergency room yesterday because my doc called off sick but she was afraid I might have cellulitis, which there is still a possibilty of but my white cell count was normal. This thing goes from just under my sternum to my belt line and from flank to flank. I other words my entire middle abdomin. Thank goodness it didn't go below my waist line. WHEW! The dang stuff was weeping so bad that my bandages were stuck to my raw skin like glue. When the docs at the e.r. saw the rash they all backup up about five feet and all said "EEEUUUWWW"! Then one of them had to go and aske the obvious question "Does it itch or hurt?"! DUH!

So now I am stuck here bathing in Calamine Lotion, taking Benedril, steroids and antibiotics. I am doped up, tired, sore, itchy, b@*%^$ and look like "A pink nightmare". Sorry about the rant but it did make me feel a little better. If any of you have any ideas on something other than Calamine Lotion that I can do for this rash I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. My drugs are starting to kick so I have to go lay down for a while. The staff at Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania were very, very good to me. Mybe now I can sleep.

Sorry I missed your call. If you want you can call me later tonight or I can get in touch with you Wednesday.