My Dear Friend;
I'm really sorry that I missed your "land line", call tonight. I was out and did not return home until to late to return your call.
Although, I'm very glad that my help in getting Coco through the Holidays, worked for her, you know my friend that no, "Thank Yous" are EVER necessary between friends.
As has been mentioned here, already Mike........ we all, who love dogs, who have "loved and lost", grieve along with you and your family. I do, especially, not only through our friendship, but in being so involved in Coco's last few months.
You know,as I do, that you can never "find another Coco", and I know even when you adopt another, Fur Kid, you won't try to.
There are not a lot of words that can be said, at a time like this my friend, so I won't ramble on in my usual manner.
Just know, that Linda and I send our prayers and thoughts to you and your family.
Call me, when you get the chance. God Bless.