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Thread: I have a question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Lafayette, Tennessee

    Talking I have a question

    I am brand new at fly fishing, so new in fact that I haven't had a hook wet yet. My little brother gave me a rod, and I have been practicing in the yard. If this is the wrong place to post questions, then someone please let me know where I should be. My question is this, when I have been practicing, every once in a while the end of the rod will come off. The rod has 3 pieces. I read somewhere that putting wax on the male end, would help this, but it seems to me that would make it slick and thus worse. Anyone know of a good remedy for this? I know a better rod, would probably work, but I hate to put any $ out, until I have at least made sure I am going to like fly fishing. Which I will have to say, if I like it as much as I have enjoyed reading about it and watching it on TV, I am already hooked! I'd appreciate any help or tips, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Lehigh Valley, PA, USA


    Welcome aboard! I resemble your user name.

    Try candle wax (not automotive wax). A birthday candle will do nicely. Just rub it over the male end of the ferrule where the female end of the upper section contacts it. Then use your fingers to smooth the wax - the heat in your fingers will melt the wax slightly. When you join the sections, start them at 90 degrees rotation apart, and as you GENTLY push them together, rotate them into alignment at the same time. This should help......

  3. #3

    Smile Welcome

    hungNtree -

    Greetings and welcome from SE Idaho.

    You came to the right place with your question. Just be prepared.

    Definitely use wax, or parafin, on the male ferrules. It doesn't make them slippery to come apart, rather it does keep them together. I believe that what happens is that the wax helps improve the suction between the two sections, which is why they stay together better.

    Hopefully, someone will come along with a more authorative explanation for "why."

    One thing - the wax, especially if there is too much, can collect some dust, sand, dirt, grit, whatever. That stuff could damage the blank. So before you put the sections together, it is a good idea to wipe the male ferrule with a clean soft cloth.

    Heritage Angler made a suggestion that I've seen many times. I just can't get in the habit at this point, but a lot of folks do swear by it.

    The fish are always right.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Coeur d'Alene, ID


    Welcome aboard! You are in the right place to get the right answers.
    Heritage Angler is correct. The candle wax will not only tighten up a ferrule it will also keep it from sticking.

    Where from in Tennessee?
    Last edited by Jack Hise; 11-29-2008 at 12:54 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Maine, Now I've retired to North Carolina (just south of Fayetteville)


    Hi HangNtree, and welcome aboard. You have found the BEST fly fishing site in the universe.( jmo )
    These people are so helpful, you just can't imagine.
    As what Heritage Angler stated, I firmly agree, just remember to twist opposite direction when taking rod apart.
    If you have any time, I highly recommend reading past articles on this board.

    Again Welcome

  6. #6


    Welcome. Just thinking about the obvious, you do have it strung with a line yeah? If so, wax as suggested, and maybe you are putting too much energy into it? If you are just practising without a line in, then it will come adrift much easier.
    "We do not inherit the earth; we borrow it from our children."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richmond Texas



    I agree completley with what others are saying. When I first heard of it I too thought just the opposite. I now carry a candle in my bag always. One more thing I would like to add is that every so often I clean off the wax with a little alcohol on a Q-Tip from the female side and wipe the male end off clean and reapply. Keeps the grit to a minimum as John refers to.

    With the wax on you don't have to push the peices as hard together and they will stay put and always come apart at the end of a long day.

    Leo C

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mojave Desert CA

    Default hungintree

    How'd you get in the tree? Just kidding, we've all been there. Welcome to the FAOL BB. I carry a plug of bee's wax in my tackle bag for that purpose. Also do the quarter twist thing to 'seat' the rod together. It's an old plumbing trick used when gluing pvc pipe joints together. It smears the stickum uniformly around the rod. I never thought of a candle. Bought a plug of wax and can't seem to use it up. Jimsnarocks
    I'm either going to, coming from or thinking about fishing. Jim

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    Welcome to the BEST web site for fly fishing, tying, rod building and anything else that pertains to fly fishing. There is endless help for you here and all will be doing their best to assist you. Just remember you have myself, Jack and many more fly fishermen from Tennessee here to help and if we knew where in Tennessee you are, it would be a bigger help. We could possibly meet and fish and provide "hands on" help for you.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by hungNtree View Post
    I know a better rod, would probably work, but I hate to put any $ out, until I have at least made sure I am going to like fly fishing.
    Nope, hungNtree no matter how much you spend on a flyrod you will encounter this situation, i use paraffin wax like for canning peaches.

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