I just came over to FAOL after logging off from one of my Australian fishing forums where one of the usual "fights" was occurring. In contrast here I get to perve on Lotech's thanksgiving dinner!

It occurred to me what a well run and peaceful place this is. Yeah I know it has been said before, but maybe not by me? Anyway, JC and others, a top job you are all doing. It is a bit of a community isn't it? People are ribbing each other and having fun. People are praying for others in their time of need, or just plain helping out. Someone is even sending me a Christmas gift. Crikey Moses!

I feel lucky to be a part of it, and I wish that I could meet up with some of you in person, maybe it will happen one day. I have already met a couple of the geographically closer contributers and instantly established a valuable friendship.

Anyway, all I really wanted to say was thanks to JC and all my collegues across the big ditch. I hope you all have a very wonderful and safe Christmas, maybe a fish or two.... Take care.