With the onset of more difficult times, a lot of us even cutting out our holiday family visits and what personal infirmities we are all dealing with I think we should put a little more effort into tolerance this year. We normally do a fine job of that here but things are particularly trying this year with the economic situations being what they are.

I will double my efforts of thinking things through before posting anything. I will also try to find out what I have done or what is bothering the other folks before posting something that calls them out. This way I can probably find out what I did wrong and apologize or help them with their issue. I am not trying to be politically correct here rather just a little more considerate of the feelings of all of you. I like to make folks smile not frown.

Just seemed to me that things are getting a tad bit chippy just a little early this year. If I have caused any of it I apologize. Of course you are all free to do what you wish. Just a thought.