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Thread: Real Men Wear Pink

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Real Men Wear Pink

    Understand that I'm not trying to toot my own horn here. I've been fly fishing for about 2 1/2 years, and tying my own flies for about 2 years. What started as an aversion to paying $2 each for zebra midges has grown to preparing me for trout, steelhead, salmon, redfish, pompano, and most recently striped bass fishing. Like most of us, I have too many materials, and too little time at the vise. But I enjoy it, and I enjoy my fishing.

    While there are a few of my friends who will fish, fly fishermen are few and far between. So I sometimes have to assail my co-workers with fishing stories, or other ephemera that they really don't care for. Doesn't matter, it's just something inside me that has to come out.

    I have a female co-worker who's a breast cancer survivor. She's currently off on her yearly 60-mile walk, and has been raising money for the disease. Understand that while I'm not against raising money to fight diseases, I've never gone out of my way to support breast cancer efforts. Talking with my co-worker changed that. I helped where I could to get her to her goals.

    Earlier this week, we were talking about her 60 mile walk, and how she'll be surrounded by pink. She told me that some of the walkers try to "outpink" one another, by coming up with pink items that no one else would have. She and her sisters do the same. I mumbled something about the fact that when I tie, I sometimes use pink in flies, and she mentioned she would like to see one some day.

    That night, I made a run to the local shop, bought a few more pink items, and brought them home to the vise. I brought out my medium saltwater hooks (4's mostly) and started to tie. My first couple were wooly bugger styles with different pink materials. Then I tied a pink and white marabou bunny fly with a pink hackle collar. After that was a pink jelly rope Crazy Charlie with some different colors of flash. Then a pink and white clouser with wig hair. I ended up with one each for my co-worker and her sisters.

    I passed them by my wife to see what she thought. She thought they were cute. So I brought them to work, and was unprepared for the reaction. My co-worker went nuts - she couldn't believe I'd worked so long on something for her. Heck, the flies took less than an hour, but I couldn't convince her of that. She called a sister and told her about the "pins" she got. Well, I couldn't have her hooking barbs through her clothes.

    So some co-workers heard about it, and all wanted to help. One co-worker had some old United Way pins that he gave me. Another found a tube of epoxy. And another came up with a length of small plastic tubing. The pins were dipped in epoxy and then stuck to the flies. After drying, the plastic tubing was slipped over the shank, covering the barbs and tip.

    As I mentioned, she's walking tomorrow, so I don't know if she'll even wear the flies. But before she left, she stopped by my office and gave ME a pin. It's a cartoon arm in a pink T-shirt, flexed with bulging biceps. It says:


    Share your talents, all. I'm not gifted, but I think that in a small way something I learned to do made someones day a bit brighter.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region

    Thumbs up

    I have walked for this tremendously great cause..

    I wear pink and I am so very proud to help a small bit to bring awareness
    to the forefront..

    A million thanks for what you have started!

    My hat off to your sir!

    Steve Molcsan
    Last edited by Steve Molcsan; 10-18-2008 at 04:29 PM.
    Relaxed and now a Full Time Trout Bum, Est. 2024

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    oregon usa


    great post and topic. Thank you for your most worthy efforts for this cause.

    I tie and donate flies for Casting For Recovery. Also, I design one of a kind flies and give them to cancer survivors. One gal has died but I know she like the fly I gave her because she walked away with it clutched to her chest.

  4. #4


    me and my friends at the north american fly fishing forums ties flys for a few swaps and we made extras and auctioned them off in a nice wood fly box and the proceeds went to casting for recovery.
    God Put Fly Fishing Here For You And Me! Take Advantage Man! Take Advantage!
    AKA GeorgeMcFly

  5. #5



    It sounds like your coworker was really touched with the your thoughtfulness.

    If you see more of those pink flies in your future, you might consider something like this brooch pin:


    Don't know the finer points of fashion and maybe gold/pink violates some sort of secret rule, but here's a black japanned salmon hook style too:


    Best regards,


  6. #6


    Its guys like you that give the rest of us a good name! Well done!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Blog Entries


    My wife volunteers for Casting For Recovery and my son and his buddy tie a small box of pink flies for each participant each year. We have lots of other ways to help the cause, and it is a good one.

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    92Esquire -

    Kudos to you and the others for how you are contributing to a worthy cause.

    The fish are always right.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    I have tied a few pink flies for cancer surviors here, but I time them straight on a safety pins. Easier for the people to wear. YOu can get several different size safety pins.


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