last fall fishing for LL salmon on a small river not far from the house. I was about 100 yards up stream from the bridge fishing a nice hole. Quiet morning not many fisherman for a change when some guy stops right in the middle of the bridge. gets out of his truck with his surf caster and throws this spoon the size of a small surfboard from the bridge over my head and starts cranking on the reel with the spoon swimming past me about a foot away. after 6 or 8 more cast he yells (fishin s#*%'s today) and drives off.

This spring, fishing a different river a little further down the road. i was hitting some Bows out of this nice hole when a guy walks past me with no response to my good morning. With a tree down and the water high and steep banks behind us. he could not make it to much further down stream so he starts fishing right where i was swinging my streamer. he never did look my way to see the smoke rolling out of my ears before he tried to hop out onto the rock i was swinging my fly behind. All of a sudden his arms start doing the wind mill and he falls backwards into the river jambing his fly rod into the rocks and busting it in half. After a few minutes of me laughing out loud, the guy trudges past me and calls me an a$$.

after both incidents i just sat on the bank, enjoyed a cigar, and went back to fishing.
