Another thread had me thinking about gathering some more of my fly tying materials for myself this season instead of buying them. It sure is nice to buy material since things are already dyed the proper color and there is less worry about bugs etc. I'm just getting frugal in my old age, some would say damn cheap.

I was referred to this book a while ago, but have never seen it myself:

I have a friend who raises domestic turkeys, chickens and ducks. I also hunt for pheasant, grouse, wild turkey, deer and could take squirrels and rabbits even though I don't these days.

So the question is, do you think that it is worth it prepping your own materials? I don't really think that I would be into road kill stuff, but harvesting my own materials would give you a sense of creating the fly from beginning to end a little more. Maybe the effort isn't worth it and wanted to see what the rest of you thought. Thanks for the comments.
