read the thread about copperhead in the creek. i tryed to find but didn 't, i was fishing about a week before, on the laxawaxen river in northeast PA when my buddy said there was a snake comming down to me. i turn to see what kind it was, first i didn"t like the size of the head, and being coal black, yes it was a ratter. he came right to me as i was hitting on the head with my fly rod. i then wrap the line around his head and pull him down stream of me, he then made for shore, rattling all the way. we then got out when to the car for food, sitting there eating you guess it, he was trying to cross the road, so seeing he was my bud ,i cross with him so he didn"t get ran over. had to stop four car to do it. was about three foot long. but was rattling till we got over. flyman 3 pottsville