Quote Originally Posted by Gnu Bee Flyer View Post
I probably shouldn't admit to doing this, but the statute of limitations has surely run out by now and I haven't done it in at least 45 years.

When I was a teenager back in the 1960s we would find a carpenter ant colony. You give it a good kick or two then stand back as they came boiling out of the mound. When the ground was alive with thousands of them we'd scoop up a shovel full of the nest overburden, ants and all. You'd wade out then carefully place them on a mid stream rock. Preferably a low flat rock that just barely sticks out of the water. With the ants running furiously around and the waves from the stream lapping the rock soon they would start floating one by one downstream. There you'd be with your ant patterns fishing the first big pool. It would only take a few minutes before the fish started to key in on them. We had many an awesome day of fishing using that technique.

I wonder how PETA feels about ants? People for the ethical treatment of ants?
I can just see it all unfolding, you grinnin like the Chessire Cat as the ants start foating your way.sounds like way to much fun